From time to time, I like to reflect on what’s going on at AttorneySync. While not necessarily related to AttorneySync business, my partner just had his second child, so congratulations to his family.
Today was the first day that I brought my lunch to work. While I’m feeling good about eating healthier, I missed getting out of the office and of course the better tasting food that the corner of Sheffield and Diversey offers.
Recently, there have been some really good articles floating through the SEO community on link building and local search, so I have been busy staying up-to-date on those.
We also just expanded our process for performing back link analysis to our clients’ competitors’ websites. This gives us a much better picture of what the competition is doing to have success in search.
We also signed up a new client and are very excited to begin delivering results to them.
Since it’s November, we’re starting to put our plan together for next year, as well as, reflect on what we did this year and how we can improve.